Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Dalloway Ticket 5/16/05: Norfolk

3-4 song EP
Release: April 2005
SHOW SPECS - Date: Friday, April 16. City: Bakersfield. Venue: Narducci's. Age: 18+. For Details: The Dalloways Tour Page

Group members and side projects: James Ratliff, Pete Prevost (also in Johnny Come Latley), Jason Ford Turner (also in stepsonday), Pablo Alaniz (also in Diary).

The ideal fit on a national tour: The Thrills, Superdrag, and Pedro the Lion

Name an artist fans will be surprised you're is into: There are a few Diamond Rio songs that get me all worked up.

Got an elevator pitch? Norfolk is music for people who enjoy music. It has a subculture feel to it, but hopefully it can be excepted as just well written music.

Name the best live show you’ve ever seen? What in particular made this performance so good? Thats a tough one. It's got to be Weezer at Jerrys Pizza in Bakersfield. There were a few hundred poeple cramed into a small basement to see one of the first Weezer comeback shows in 2000. Later that month I was getting married and the show actually made me worry that the Weezer day would overshadow my wedding day as the best day of my life.

Describe your band's look: (Don't you love this question?) My bandmates look like the people you go to school with. How else do you answer that one?

Got a master plan? What’s the next step for this band? 1). Record a ridiculously good indipendent album. 2). Play a bunch of ridiculously good shows. 3). Get signed to a ridiculously solid Label. 4). Make ridiculous amounts of cash. 5). Burn out and become a grade school teacher.

- Q's by The Dalloways, A's by James Ratliff of Norfolk -

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