Friday, May 27, 2005

Monday, May 23: Denver - Scatology and a Guy Named Denver in Denver

Ate at Streets of London Pub because Bronson needed a Shepherd's Pie fix. Ate bangers and s. pie and drank Beamish stout and played pool befor the gig.

Change into our show clothes in van in front of Cricket on the Hill in Denver, a crazy cool dive on Capitol Hill--the coolest neighborhood in Denver.

Solo guitarist and song writer Jared Steinberg opens, and Holiday Hotel, a new band putting things together in an Americana kinda thing closes.

Each band gets berated by this crazy Denver cowboy named Denver in a black cowboy hat and rider's trench. After the show, I have to interrupt this guys convo with the big, tattooed gruff door guy in order to get the door money, and Denver lays into me. "Hey, I'm trying to have a f***ing philosophical conversation here, you f***ing c**k sucker! Do you mind?"

I apologize and make nice, try to meet the guy, but he has nothing of it. He keeps it up, with some choice scatalogical lines. Denver, thanks for the f***ing hospitality, man!

Band makes some door money and sells some merch, despite the fact this it's a Monday show. Jared S, Holiday Hotel, Sheigh, the bartender, and fans were wayyyy cool. Denver, hopefully we'll see you again soon.

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