Saturday, December 31, 2005
Penalty Crusade Makes Earfood Top 20 of 2005
Scottish Diskant Reviews Dalloways

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Portland and Fresno Music Scenes Unite

The show will happen at the historic Tokyo Garden in downtown Fresno, known for its great live music offerings. Visit each band's website or visit myspace to make friends with all these bands and to check out their music.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Dalloways in Bakersfield January
Bakersfield, California – December 15, 2005 – Local dreampopsters The Dalloways kick off their 2006 tour in Bakersfield Thursday, January 12 at Jerry’s Pizza.
The Dalloways are developing and performing brand new material along with songs from their most recent full-length CD Penalty Crusade (Bird in Box Records). “The new songs have got a slightly more ‘Montreal’ sound” says Gary Enns, singer/songwriter of the band. “We’re feeling a close affinity with bands like The Dears, Stars, Broken Social Scene, Feist—the new Canadian scene of melodic synths and male-female duets.”
Other musical influences for The Dalloways are noticeably British—Pulp, Belle and Sebastian, Modern English, The Smiths, Prefab Sprout. “Those things you hear in your formative years tend to stick with you later on,” Enns says. “And it all happened to be British pop for me. It’s hard to shake the sounds that moved you so much as a kid.”
After their Bakersfield show, the Dalloways will tour Los Angeles, San Diego, Ventura, and The Bay Area, among other locations. The new album will is in production and is scheduled for release mid-2006.
Jerry’s Pizza is located at 1817 Chester Avenue in downtown Bakersfield. Telephone: 661.633.1000. Jerry’s is an all-ages venue. Cost and additional bands for the show will be announced soon. For the latest information on The Dalloways and their Bakersfield appearance, visit
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Dalloways December and January
We've got more coming up in January, including stops in Bakersfield, LA, San Diego, San Francisco, so stay tuned.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Beautiful South, Please Travel West!

Of course, the band has seen much more success on their home turf, but we're hoping they'll consider a U.S. tour for their tenth studio album currently in the works. This one will follow 2004's CD Golddiggas Headnodders & Pholk Songs, a limited edition U.K. collection of cover songs dear to the hearts of the band. The new album will be produced by Ian Stanley, who has worked with Tears for Fears, Pretenders, and, much more.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Dalloways a-Blur by Mattias Thorslund

You didn't' make the show? The Dalloways sported new rockin'' tunes and all new Halloween wigs. Blake Jones and The Trike Shop rounded out the night with their infectious California pop.
Sadly, Club Fred has seen better days. I hope this Fresno music institution will get its act together and live up to its reputation as one of Fresno's finest venues. One can hope!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Methamphetamines and Dead Mathematicians

We're taking our time and are constantly writing new material. Currently, we're looking at February 2006 for a new release. Check back for more info.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Belle and Sebastian Touring Again

The world tour should be posted soon, however, and California should be prominant in the mix. Here's where you'll find the Belle and Sebastian 2006 U. S. tour dates as soon as they're posted.
It would be nice to see them in an intimate setting, but being as they're international indie superstars, that may be an impossibility. Coachella? Mmm... no thanks. I think I'll stay home and watch a B & S Live DVD instead.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
N. L. Revealed, Lords Released

We had some difficulty hearing ourselves through the monitors but seemed to pull off a short set of new tunes without a hitch. Usually we're feeling pretty confident in front of a crowd, but without the other guys to back us up, honestly, we were feeling a bit tentative and nervous, two folks sitting in a fish bowl. This was definitely good practice for us and a very good reason to work out some new tunes. Rumor has it there'll be a Buck City Podcast of the event up soon.

Thursday, November 03, 2005
November 5: New Tunes and Lords

4:00 PM. Address: 6720 Schirra Court, Bakersfield, CA 93313. Tel: 661-836-ALES.
UPDATE: Notice the time slot change. We're now going on at 4:00 PM, which means N will be able to join on stage.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Rave Review in Indie Workshop
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
October 29 w/ Blake Jones and Trike Shop

Friday, September 30, 2005
Penalty Crusade a Hawaiian Hieroglyph Moment
Thursday, September 29, 2005
New Review of The Dalloways' Penalty Crusade at Independent Clauses
So, without any more chatter, check out the latest review of Penalty Crusade at Independent Clauses
How can you resist a review that mentions Britney Spears, N’SYNC, The Beach Boys, The Smiths, and Belle and Sebastian all in the same paragraph!?
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Dalloways 2006 Dreampop Tour Dates
Friday, September 23, 2005
How to Join a Touring Band
Fri Jan 13: LA area
Sat Jan 14: San Diego area
Sun Jan 15: LA area
Fri Feb 10: Sacramento
Sat Feb 11: San Francisco
Sun Feb 12: San Jose
Note: Berkeley and Chico are also
Fri Mar 3: LA area
Sat Mar 4: San Diego area
Sun Mar 5: Back in LA area
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Late September Recording
We're blogging more and more, so check back here for updates on the progress!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
New Dalloways Tunes
As far as touring, our schedule is wide open right now due to songwriting, recording, and other prep work for the new tunes. School has started as well! I'm working on some Oct/Nov dates for 2005, and then our fabulous booking agent will be taking over everything in 2006! We hope to see you all soon.
Dalloways Press
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Dalloways w/ Music Lovers in Fall
Sunday, August 07, 2005
August 14 in SF! Dalloways plus Music Lovers plus Bart Davenport!

Hosted By: The Dalloways
When: Sunday Aug 14, 2005 at 8:00 PM
Where: The Make-Out Room
3225 22nd Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Description:The Dalloways, Bart Davenport, and The Music Lovers
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The Go-Betweens at The Troubadour June 18, 2005

(To Left: Robert Forster and Grant McLennan)

(Right: Adele Pickvance, Robert Forster, Glen Thompson, and Grant McLennan)

(Left: Robert Forster)
The Dalloways Online
The Dalloways Myspace
Friday, July 22, 2005
Hot Show July 28 Plus The Cutest T-Shirts in the World!

WHEN: Thurs, July 28, 8:00 pm
BANDS: The Sleepover Disaster, The Same Shape, and Man of the Year from Portland!
WHERE: Club Fred, 1426 N Van Ness
COST: $6, 21 and over
DETAILS: BIB presents Loveless recording artists and KFSR faves Man of the Year from Portland! "Swirling, spacey layers of pop goodness... Whether you want to sing along, get up and jump around, or sit down and sink into contemplative mode, Man of the Year's stunning, shimmering brand of Brit-meets-new-wave-power-pop is a jaw-dropper" (Alex Steininger, In Music We Trust). Request tunes on the air at KFSR 90.7 FM, and tune into KFSR the day of the show for the great ticket giveaway!
Visit Bird in Box for fabulous band links!
T-SHIRT SALE!Visit The Dalloways Shop for the cutest T-shirts in the world on sale!
Monday, June 27, 2005
The Music Lovers Join The Dalloways and Sparklejet Friday July 8 at The Starline in Fresno!
These SF dramapopsters will join The Dalloways and local rock act Sparklejet July 8 at The Starline in Fresno. Doors open at 8:30, and The Music Lovers will start promptly after 9:00, so arrive early to catch this fantastic act--we simply don't know when they'll return again!
For show specs, visit the "tour" page at The Dalloways Online.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Friday, May 27: Spokane - Friendliest Westerners, plus One Drug Dealer with a Strawberry Blonde Mullet
Gerhard and Nico celebrated their anniversary in Spokane, and Esther, our tour manager, celebrated her birthday on the same day, so we had a grand Italian dinner, complete with fantastic Pinot Noir purchased by Enrique, at Europa, a posh restaurant in a fantastic old turn-of-century building.
Later, The Dalloways performed at Mootsy's, a bar/pizza joint famous for its killer music scene. Gig posters from bygone shows were plastered on the back wall of the stage area, lights were dimmed, Aaron and Dan, the bartenders, served up Kettel sodas and such, and the place quickly filled with music lovers. The place was packed when we started our show after acoustic girl Vindikate's set. Dalloways played a solid 45 minute set and were followed by Le Cha-Cha--alt. rockers in cowboy hats.
Spokane folks are some of the nicest we've met on this tour. After the gig, at about two AM, folks mingled after hours on the street corner, where an older gent was selling fat Polish dog sandwiches with grilled onions and peppers. Drunk gente mingled and stumbled around in a friendly manner. A drunk guy with a mouth full of hot dog told us how great we were and hugged us repeatedly, then tackled his cousin in a drunken sprawl. A drug dealer with a strawberry blonde mullet and pegged 80's jeans lurked on the periphery, largely ignored.
Friday, June 3: Arcata - Cyclist Communes, Decapitated Dolls, and a Clothing Burial
Humboldt County was ready for The Dalloways. There was a write-up and a picture in every major newspaper. Humboldt takes visiting bands very seriously. The band was interviewed twice while on the road. What a difference to the larger cities like Seattle, where the band received little press support.
The Placebo is a mucic event housed in a former elementary school turned community center. Ryan and Abe host these well-attended shows for locals. Eurekans and Arcatans packed the little former classroom to check us out. The place stank a bit of moldy cardboard and bathroom. Why? Don't know. But the place was packed with true music fans. They listened and grooved and talked with us afterwards. Jeronimo, an ecclectic visionary Humboldt County local, said that he felt the songs were speaking to him and referencing his life. Hmmm... Sounds like a little White Album magic. The band was filmed and recorded for The Hum City Podcast, which should air online in a few weeks. More as this develops.
The Dalloways were preceded by upstarts Bella Dramatica and followed by dapper techno fiend James III, who set up doll heads with burning candles in them, span preprogrammed music and danced with hired rave dancers in psychedelic nurse and stuffed animal costumes.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Thursday, May 26: Pullman - College Town
Met a few cool folks in this college town that took a genuine interest--although the majority of kids had already checked out of this college town for the summer. It's good to know that some cool Pullman folks are wearing Dalloways t-shirts and listening to Dalloways CD's.
Played to an attentive crowd, sold some merch, played free pool, and stayed at the nicest Holiday Inn Express we've ever seen--heated pool, jacuzzi, massive continental breakfast, free internet access. Priceline's the bomb.
Wednesday, May 25: Boise - Fight Club and a Santana Grammy Award, Plus Neurolux Highs
The Neurolux is a large and very dark club downtown that has most of its shows on Wednesday. So what made this show special? We met som fantastic myspace friends Greer and Chris, who drove out from Parma to see us. We also had a fan fly out from Indiana just to see the show. Just about the most enthusiastic fan The Dalloways have ever had. Boise just seemed happy to have us in town. We got some write-ups and pics in the local entertainment mags, so folks were expecting us. The place was packed with music fans. How 'bout the practicals? We made enough to cover gas and hotel. Hey, we're not Kings of Convenience. To a travelling indie band, even a pittance helps cut travel costs nicely!
And get this: after the show, at about two o'clock in the morning, we drove up the hill to Art Hodge's beautiful house overlooking a nature preserve to record a live set in his basement studio. Hodge's Grammy for the Santana sat, unassuming, on a shelf with other nick-nacks and books. Nico and I recorded in the laundry room, while the other guys were in the main studio. Art fed us cookies and drinks between songs. The set aired as a special on Hodge's well-known Idaho radio show Sunday, May 29.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Tuesday, May 24: SLC - SLC Punk? Where's the Scene Now?
It's usually a bad scenario for an out-of-town band to close out an evening. So I was pensive when locals The Happies insisted on playing first. They set up, then started at ten and proceeded to play their upbeat set of originals for about an hour--pretty long. Then, they took a long time tearing down their gear. Crickets were chirping, locals were leaving. By the time we got our gear set up and sound checked, their crowd was long gone. We played a room of four, with about five more people in the removed bar area. Came a long way for this...
On the positive side, we saw stunning scenery on the drive through Grand Junction, Colorado and then Utah--that prehistoric-looking state with grand crumbling mesas as far as the eye can see. Bronson, known as Professor Crumb (our relief bass player for the tour) enlightened us on the wonderful world of ghouda cheeses. We got in some fancy skateboarding (we've got three boards on tour) and Nerf football playing at the truck stops along the way. And the Dalloways are toughening up and insisting on a few things from here on out.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Monday, May 23: Denver - Scatology and a Guy Named Denver in Denver
Change into our show clothes in van in front of Cricket on the Hill in Denver, a crazy cool dive on Capitol Hill--the coolest neighborhood in Denver.
Solo guitarist and song writer Jared Steinberg opens, and Holiday Hotel, a new band putting things together in an Americana kinda thing closes.
Each band gets berated by this crazy Denver cowboy named Denver in a black cowboy hat and rider's trench. After the show, I have to interrupt this guys convo with the big, tattooed gruff door guy in order to get the door money, and Denver lays into me. "Hey, I'm trying to have a f***ing philosophical conversation here, you f***ing c**k sucker! Do you mind?"
I apologize and make nice, try to meet the guy, but he has nothing of it. He keeps it up, with some choice scatalogical lines. Denver, thanks for the f***ing hospitality, man!
Band makes some door money and sells some merch, despite the fact this it's a Monday show. Jared S, Holiday Hotel, Sheigh, the bartender, and fans were wayyyy cool. Denver, hopefully we'll see you again soon.
Sunday, May 22: Albuquerque - Downtime and Ricky as Sith Lord
All in agreement--Lucas can't direct actors, Natalie Portman looks ugly when she's supposed to look beautiful in the moonlight, she wears a mini-skirt travel outfit when she's pregnant (why?) and the movie is definitely the best of the three latest.
Saturday, May 21: Phoenix - Get Fix at Phix
Arrive at Zia Records in the afternoon for an in-store. Hip hop tracks are playing, and native Phoenixians are milling about at the hip hop stations.
Set up on stage and play to a few folks and the staff, who clap intermitantly. We treat this as a practice chance and way to break in Bronson, who's filling in on bass for Matt for the tour.
That night, arrive at Phix in the depressed downtown Phoenix area. The Phix is a stripped out industrial space with the raw rafters showing and some drywall pressed up against the wall here and there.
First band was a screamo thrash metal band with some young kids twirling their hair around and a lead singer crouching down, screaming into the mic like it was some kind of secret delicacy. They end with Michael Jackson's smooth criminal and then leave with all their teenage fanbase, leaving about ten folks for us to play to.
We meet some more myspace friends for the first time after the gig. How cool is it to finally meet folks who have been so good to us with tips and advice.
Band makes about $50 at the door and sell NO MERCH! Ouch. This is not a merch town. That makes it tough for a touring indiw band that relies heavily on merch income. Good thing we're up from Las Vegas.
Friday, May 20: Las Vegas - Drummer and Guitarist Double Band Fund at Crap Tables
Checked into the Luxor--that ancient Egyptian place with the pyramid in the middle of everything--satin bed covers and complimentary drinks.
Ricky and Aaron take off down to the crap tables with the band's tour cash and quickly double it. They keep gambling, winning and losing till 7:00 AM. They slouch back into the room a little after 7:00, with $200 extra for the band and $300 for themselves. Now it's time for the high life!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
From SLC, with Love...
I'm sitting in the Salt Lake City writing madly before I'm kicked off my 30 minute session. The tour is going splendidly. Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Denver were great shows, the most fantastic so far being Las Vegas. We played at a smooth little lounge where all the hip people go after hours. The place was packed with recent Myspace friends and new friends. Our dreamlounge style seemed to fit the place to a T. At the bar were built in bar slot poker machines, and before and after our set, DJ's spinned ecclectic tunes including Sam and Dave to Chemical Brothers.
Today we're off to Boise, Idaho, to play at Neurolux, made famouse by hometown boys who made it--Built to Spill. More when we can...
Gerhard and the rest of The Dalloways
Monday, May 16, 2005
May & June! Northwest by West Tour
Fresno, California – May 13, 2005 – California dreampop. Is there such a thing? Attend a Dalloways tour date, and you’ll have your answer. With button ups and silk ties, pretty vintage guitar tones, and an ambient pop sound akin to Coldplay and Belle and Sebastian, The Dalloways offer up a decidedly cosmopolitan alternative to the indie music scene.
Things are looking up for this talented California quintet. “Penalty Crusade,” the latest LP released on Bird in Box Records, has consistently ranked at the top of the CD Baby editor’s picks for California Pop and Brit Pop. The band has secured Japanese distribution at Tower Records and HMV stores overseas and is embarking on a West by Northwest leg of a larger U.S. tour.
According to the band, the CD is the kind that gets better with each passing listen. “Brit pop fans and audiophiles will love this album,” says Gerhard Enns, singer and songwriter. “We’ve inlayed these subtle touches that develop the more one listens. Our goal was to create songs that get better with age.”
So what can one expect at a Dalloways show? “This isn’t Good Charlotte or Taking Back Sunday,” Enns says. “We’ve got a shoegaze, Brit pop influence, more Flaming Lips, more Smiths. And live that really shines through. We want folks to relax and enjoy the beauty. Hopefully the next morning they’ll be humming one of our tunes, wondering how it got into their heads.”
The Dalloways are making Las Vegas their first main tour stop. After Nevada, the group will continue on a fairly demanding schedule of the West and Northwest, with stops including, among other cities, Phoenix, Denver, Salt Lake City, and Portland.
For show information and directions, visit the Dalloways Tour Page or call 661-331-5000. And check back here often; The Dalloways will be posting tour updates when circumstance permits!
“[The Dalloways] reach for Brit Pop and manage to find the sweet ether where California coolness ends and the emotional reverb of '80s British rockers begins.” – Danielle Belton for “Spin Zone Music Reviews.” (The Bakersfield Californian 6 Jan 2005, sec. Eye Street: E7.)
"Like a casually gorgeous waitress serving Sunday afternoon coffee, The Dalloways serve up pretty California dream-pop like a delicacy on Penalty Crusade." – Billy Gil for Splendid
“The musical arrangements are rich and are so beautifully put together that I hear something new every time I listen. I highly recommend [Penalty Crusade].” – Jesse Rivera for Planet of Sound
“Gerhard Enns’ ability to talk about relationships in a song like he’s talking about your own horrid pitfalls is purely magical.” - N. L. Belardes for Skeleton Head Reviews
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Dalloways Plus Bart Davenport and Simone Rubi of Call and Response April 10: Bringing Home the New Loud
Local dreampop quintet The Dalloways seem to be magnets for talent. On Sunday, April 10 at Tokyo Garden, The Dalloways will play host to international recording and touring artists Bart Davenport and Rubies (Simone Rubi of Call and Response). So what kind of music can you expect to hear? With Davenport and Rubi, less is more, and tenderness reigns supreme. Davenport’s latest album, for instance, mixes 60’s and 70's folk pop a la Arthur Lee of Love, Gil Scott Heron, and early Paul McCartney with “Girl from Ipanema” bosa nova stylings. The result is a laid back California “Ventura Highway” feel.
“This is a big event for Fresno,” says Gerhard Enns of The Dalloways. “Fresnans may not know much about Davenport or Rubi and Call and Response since this is their first visit to Fresno, but folks in San Francisco and Los Angeles and other major urban areas around the country and abroad have definitely heard their music. In SF, Davenport and Call and Response are basically household names.”
“April 10 will be an intimate affair with some internationally renowned artists,” Enns says. “It’ll be a great place for Fresno musicians and music fans to meet and connect with some rising stars living the dream.”
The Dalloways will start the night at 9:00 PM with a short set of music off their latest album Penalty Crusade.
Tokyo Garden is located in downtown Fresno at 1711 Fulton Street, three blocks south of Divisidaro. Doors open at 9:00 PM with a five dollar cover. For more information including links to the artists’ web pages and music, visit or call 661-331-5000.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
April 15 and 16: Huge Fresno & Bakersfield Shows
Fresno, April 15 - Friday, April 15, Club Fred in Fresno, The D's headline a raucous night with 2 A.M. Orchestra, the infamous Filthies (they're blowing up, folks, so don't miss' em!), and more! Blue shag carpet and pink stage lights--this is rock 'n roll history! Visit the tour page for more info.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Cocktails, Ghosts, and Three Chord Whore
Nico and I checked in at Maxwell's, the alley restaurant and bar just east of downtown Chester, a little hole in the wall famous for fantastic Frangelico-steeped deserts and one resident ghost. We happened to catch up with N.L. Belardes. Perfect place, too, for this guy just seems to be everywhere and nowhere at once, a bit ethereal, like the spirit that moves through the old catacombs below the restaurant. We talked about Lords a bit, but not too much, and always seemed to dance around certain touchy, and frankly, disturbing, subjects within the new novel. Best not to press, I thought. We talked about the Bakersfield music scene past and present, KoRn (yes, KoRn), and Fresno literary criminals...
And guess who walked through the door? None other than Three Chord Whore--one of Bakersfield's toughest bands. Heather, Shirl, and the very cool Shantell. Do yourself a favor--when you meet them, don't try to peg them as some cliche typical girl band. They're very nice and will most likely be accommodating, but really, they've got their own thing going and most likely won't appreciate someone trying to lump them up with The Donnas, The Bangles, or L7 (well, they might just like the L7 connection). I haven't heard 'em yet, but by just talking with the trio, I've got a feeling about what I'll hear--killer upbeat fast-break angst-ridden grunginess.
They took stools against the horseshoe shaped bar for some drinks. One of them looked a little familiar. Oh, it's that Shirl the Pearl (nothing much on her website right now but bad links), front woman for the now defunct angry synth punk band The Mia Maids.
Here's some history: The Dalloways played a Boiler Room show (always a strange mixture of math metal, screamo, punk, and shoegaze bands all lumped onto one ticket) with the Mia Maids awhile back. I remember the vibe of that now lost band, and so I'll write it for history's sake right here--The Mia Maids were angry, defiant, snarling, railing against religious hypocrisy (the band name was derived from the term used for young LDS women between the ages of 14 and 15), and sexual fascism. Their set was intense and loud and raucous.
I asked Shirl if TCW had the same vibe. "No," she said, "Three Chord isn't so dark as that." Hmm, OK, but if Shirl's involved, I've got a feeling this is no tame soiree. Hopefully they'll stick around longer than the Mia Maids, and long enough to make an indelible mark in the Bako scene and beyond.
For more on The Dalloways, visit The Dalloways Online. And be sure to make friends with the group on The Dalloways at Myspace.
PS: I just heard a rumour circulating that Enrique may be making an appearance at the Dalloways April 16 gig at Narducci's. Someone told me that some cat was let out of some bag on some blog somewhere. Frankly, this resident social mingler and saucy writer is somewhat of a mystery, and so I'm not sure what kind of entrance he'll make, or whether he'll remain incognito the entire night, or whether he'll be there at all. More soon...
Dalloway Ticket 5/16/05: Norfolk
Group members and side projects: James Ratliff, Pete Prevost (also in Johnny Come Latley), Jason Ford Turner (also in stepsonday), Pablo Alaniz (also in Diary).
The ideal fit on a national tour: The Thrills, Superdrag, and Pedro the Lion
Name an artist fans will be surprised you're is into: There are a few Diamond Rio songs that get me all worked up.
Got an elevator pitch? Norfolk is music for people who enjoy music. It has a subculture feel to it, but hopefully it can be excepted as just well written music.
Name the best live show you’ve ever seen? What in particular made this performance so good? Thats a tough one. It's got to be Weezer at Jerrys Pizza in Bakersfield. There were a few hundred poeple cramed into a small basement to see one of the first Weezer comeback shows in 2000. Later that month I was getting married and the show actually made me worry that the Weezer day would overshadow my wedding day as the best day of my life.
Describe your band's look: (Don't you love this question?) My bandmates look like the people you go to school with. How else do you answer that one?
Got a master plan? What’s the next step for this band? 1). Record a ridiculously good indipendent album. 2). Play a bunch of ridiculously good shows. 3). Get signed to a ridiculously solid Label. 4). Make ridiculous amounts of cash. 5). Burn out and become a grade school teacher.
- Q's by The Dalloways, A's by James Ratliff of Norfolk -
Monday, March 14, 2005
Dalloway Ticket 5/15: 2 A.M. Orchestra
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Bakersfield on a Friday, Fishlips and Lunatics, Jerry's and Jenoah, Gigantic the New Factory
10:15 -- FISHLIPS AND LUNATICS -- Wandered into Fishlips because I heard some sick 80's metal guitar screaming from the stage. Dark, as always, so I let my eyes adjust till they focused on the ocean treasure decor mounted atop the bar. Then I checked out the crew on stage. It was Lunatic, Bakersfield's favorite metal cover band, in all their old school glory, playing "La Bamba" with Randy Roads lead guitar tones! Mix Ritchie Valens and Ozzy, and you've got a very strange concoction. "Try back later," I thought. "They do a mean 'Rainbow in the Dark'."
10:25 -- JERRY'S AND JENOAH --Checked out Jerry's Pizza. Walked up and read the fliers outside while some scream metal band screamed away downstairs. Talked to a skinny young guy outside with frazzly old bell bottoms and grunge cowboy boots. He turned out to be in a traveling band called Jenoah. Asked for their elevator pitch, and he said "I don't know. Our music is very hard to explain." Typical. So I asked him, "If you got to choose the ideal band to tour with, who would you choose?" He said Death Cab. Alright! I'm down. That puts me in the ballpark.
So we networked a little, and then I got in for free somehow and descended into the dank pit under Jerry's. Reminded me of the basement of a WW II era building somewhere in Eastern Europe, a place that's never been refurbished after the war, just maybe swept of fallen plaster and dust once or twice in 1962 or something -- grungy walls with gum all over them, chipping black paint, a chalky concrete floor, and no place to sit. Have I read a description similar to this before? . . . So I leaned up against the one dirty pillar and checked out the band.
The PA sound sucked! Tinny high ends and mushy vocals, like stabbing needles and oatmeal. So I stuffed some napkin shards into my ears and listened as best I could. Jenoah turned out to be very fine stuff regardless. Less Death Cab for Cutie, more Jeff Buckley jam band. Frontman Stephen Martinez plays a thrashed Fender bass and sings so hard the sinews of his neck pop out. Now I know why his boots look so trashed. He shuffled around like crazy, particularly during the small bass licks between verses.
Between songs he panted and wiped sweat off his brow as he talked and sniffled. He sounded sick, like he'd been catching a tour cold from all night drives in a grungy van. The twelve people listening didn't seem to mind; they nodded attentively and moved, ever-so-slightly, to the energy-driven tunes. On broadjam, Martinez says, "Our songs will never make complete sense to anybody. All of our songs are just complete feeling." Yup, and it's workin'. I hope they make another album. Maybe we can work out a show swap.
10:50 -- GIGANTIC -- Wandered down 19th Street, stepped over the black-clad punks laying down on the sidewalk and walked up to Gigantic to see if there was some music. Sign said closed, but Sapo let me in. AJ and a few other guys were just hanging out. AJ filled me in on the new dance floor plans and the Northern Soul and other free dance nights they had planned for the future. Finally, an alternative for Bako! A few dance/stage lights, and some snacks and drinks for sale, and this place could really take off. This could very well become Bakersfield's own Warhol-esque Factory.
11:25 -- RONNIE JAMES DIO -- Decided to head home. Passed by Fishlips on my way to the car. Heard, "Do your deeeemons / do they ever let you goooo / When you've tried, do they hide, deep inside / Is it someone that you know oh oh oh oh ohhhhhh? . . .
For more on The Dalloways, visit And be sure to make friends with the group at
Friday, March 11, 2005
May & June: The Grateful Dalloways Tour, Bathing in Canals
As always, make friends with the group at
Thursday, March 10, 2005
The Dalloways and Dynamite--Napoleon Dynamite!
Visit Napoleon Dynamite Online
Peruse Actor Aaron Ruell's (aka Kip) Photography Online
The Dalloways Online
The Dalloways' EPK
Preview and Purchase PC
Nico signing in
This is my first blog posting EVER! Should I be nervous? Well, maybe a little, but truthfully I'm pretty stoked. I hope all of you hella-cool fans find my little posting worthy of your impeccable taste.
Sincerely yours,
April 15 at Club Fred, Fresno
For more details, visit And make friends with The group at
April 16 at Narducci's, Bakersfield
This will be a very special all-ages night at this usually 21+ venue. For more details, visit And make friends with The group at